Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Here's a little recipe to put that electric juicer of yours to good use.  I used my beloved Omega 8005 all-purpose juicer.

Perfect on a sweltering hot summer day (like today), this green ice cream recipe is about as natural as ice cream gets.  It doesn't melt nearly as fast as regular ice cream, and it's so much healthier for you!
1/2 ounce fresh wheatgrass juice
4 ounces frozen overripe bananas

Juice wheatgrass and set aside. Remove pulp residue from auger and juicing cups. Swap out strainer piece on juicer for its solid attachment. Press frozen bananas through the juicer into the juicing cup. Gently fold wheatgrass juice into the frozen, pressed bananas with a fork.  Place serving dish at the end of the attachment and send the banana-wheatgrass mixture through the juicer again for a smooth, consistent blend. Add a few sprigs of wheatgrass for garnish.
It's a lot easier than it sounds and really only takes a few minutes.  The final taste is truly that of a refreshingly cold unripened banana.


  1. Nice shot! was that natural daylight you took this picture with?

  2. I hope everyone is doing well. I have some news to share today....In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
    I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out on Pedro the loan lender on pedroloanss@gmail.com for a loan assistance.
    So please keep me in your thoughts and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.
